Sunday, 3 August 2014

Day 3 : My Favourite Quote #BEDAoutmumbered

"Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be."

Throughout my teenage years and beyond I've been constantly faced with challenges and difficulties. Battling mental health, the difficult arrival of my youngest and much more besides I find it useful to remind myself of this quote at times. I need to remember to let things be, accept what they are and move forward with a positive mindset. This quote helps me to do that and is one I find myself coming back to time and time again.


  1. Great quote! It's amazing how a few little words can help so much.

    1. It's amazing - they are something to draw strength and wisdom and much more besides from :) x

  2. Great quote, having faith is really important, especially faith in yourself and what you believe in!
    Steph |

    1. Very true. I'm not a religious person so the part that says to "have faith" to me means to believe in myself and those around me that things will turn out fine :) x

  3. Love this quote - definitely a good one to help live life by. Thank you for sharing it.

  4. Great quote - love quotes about faith. Pinnable for sure!

  5. Love this quote. I hunk lots of people, me included, dwell on what was when really there is nothing you can do about it. Great post #BEDAOutmumbered

    1. You're so right. I'm one of those that constantly revisits past decisions and mistakes - I can spend a lot of time feeling regretful and this quote always reminds me to leave it behind and get on with what's happening now :) x
